Two great names, wedded together in glass! With an oxyhydrogen torch, we delicately burn holes in the base and side of a 500 ml Erlenmeyer flask. A graceful loop of borosilicate glass connects base to side-nexus and thence on to the neck. For some reason, mathematicians seem indifferent to this design, but physicists and chemists love it. Don't ask me. Like Acme's Classical Klein Bottle, you can fill this with water. Click here for filling instructions. A mere $70 buys a Pyrex manifold that won't tip
over even during minor earthquakes. Much less costly than
Like ACME's other fine Klein Bottles, this is handcrafted from pure Borosilicate Glass ... Pyrex, Kimax, Bomex, or Simax. It has a bulk density: 2.23 gm/cm3 and expands just 0.000326% per degree C. This means that it'll shrink only a few microns when you bike from Point Pelee, Ontario to Zenith Point, Nunavut. Nor should you worry about it dissolving -- we have tested samples in water, acetone, methyl-ethyl-ketone, air, and jello. |
Cliff last updated this page on 2021 May twelfth (twelpth?), a Wednesday in the flatlands of Oakland, California